This evening, I stumbled into local hotspot and "hip" hangout area, The Dojo, expecting the usual raucous and rowdy group of troublemakers I normally spend time with. However, I was pleasantly surprised when, instead, I found a group of upstanding young men and women in the midst of a tech rehearsal for Saturday Night Live. For those of you who don't know, SNL is a quite popular sketch-based comedy show featuring a recurring cast, a celebrity guest, and a musical guest. Tonight's celebrity guest was the world famous obnoxious film student, Dylan Brawnsauce Merrick. What follows below is what I saw when I rudely interrupted their performance in order to do well on a Journalism 010 assignment (thanks a lot Professor Peyronnin!).
Now, some people may say that The Dojo is not a hip hangout spot for really cool outcast types. Others might even go so far as to say that is merely what Dylan and I call the 5th floor Nassau lounge. So this video goes out to all y'all haters, it's real and really awesome. Here's proof. Yeah.